Morris dancing is an art form of English folk dance which was created as a social form many centuries ago. Morris dance is based on rhythmic stepping, execution of moves by the group of dancers. The English folk dance is usually wearing bell pads on their shins using props such as sticks, swords and handkerchiefs may also be used by the dancers. These school workshops are a fantastic way to use as a education art form in topic subjects enhancing creative learning. Children will explore a wide range of folk dancing in the Morris dance workshop. Small groups of children will work together as a collective and create sequences clapping their sticks, and handkerchiefs together in the dance.
The Morris dance workshops for schools are a great way of building fitness in children in EYFS,KS1,KS2 and KS3. It promotes communication and social skills balancing focus and concentration and developing musicality and timing.
The Morris dance workshops are brilliant for art form learning and gives children in primary schools new opportunities.
